Pen-Pal Scavenger Hunt

My last Pen-Pal post was about what my younger cousin Brady sent to me and my husband Jesse. An entire letter written on different origami animals and a story to go with all the animals. In response to Brady's origami zoo, I am sending him on a scavenger hunt! 

I sent him the first letter on the far right. Then I mailed a letter to my mom (his aunt), his mom's boss, his classroom teacher, and our grandma. Each card has clues telling him who the next person to find is. When he finds the person they will read him a riddle off the front of the green card, and he must answer is correctly. They will know the answer by the blue post it note that is enclosed when I send the green envelope to them inside a white one. 

 Over all this was fairly time consuming, but not nearly as time consuming as it will be for him to find all the parts. Below is a sample from the second card congratulating him on his success. Also below is the post it note letting my mom know whats going on... 

 Card with a riddle on it, to be read to him...

 A sample post it put in with the green cards... It lets the other person know what the answer to the riddle is before Brady can get the card. 

 The black are my instructions of the hunt and the green in each letter is my actual "letter" to him. I like to stop mid sentence and make him wait for the next card. 

Time to mail them off! (Aunt Amy, if you're reading this, I wish you the best of luck, and if Brady gets frustrated have him call me! Haha) 
[Gotta blur out those names and numbers!]


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