Pencil Mugs

This idea was born when two brilliant ideas became one. The mugs all around pinterest that you write on and then bake plus the idea of having two cups in the classroom for pencils. I'm planning on moving into my new classroom in January(AHHH!). This set of mugs will be beside my desk for students to borrow, and then return... even if I have to say, "return my pencils"...They're 4th grade, I think they can handle it... I've seen it work in first grade, so lets hope so! 

Here is Mr. Sharp

Here is Ms. Needs Sharpened

I wrote on them with regular pink, silver and yellow sharpies. The black is a sharpie paint pen. Then I baked them at 350 for 25 min. Because they wont be used for beverages and washed over and over I wasnt to concerned about the baking part, but I wanted the design the be permanent. 

 I am sure you can find a stencil or something online if you don't feel comfortable free-handing it. I free-handed mine and I like the little imperfections. Plus if you mess up get a wet wash cloth and it wipes right off! 


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