Eating Like a Caveman - Week #4

Another week done and I am still feeling great. I will admit that I am missing my sweets a bit more. I did eat some gummy bears after school while planning with my grade level gals, and I did eat some reeces peanut butter cups at our EOG testing training. But seriously, how could you make it through all that without some chocolate! 

Below are some little cucumber boats that I loved. I love cucumber and tuna, so this was perfecto for me. A perfect Saturday lunch! Then I met my hubs for dinner and had a delicious grilled chicken salad with oil and vinegar. :)

 This was another one of those meals, where I was pleasantly surprised with how it tasted. Friday night's dinner was ground pork with mushrooms, and cucumbers.  

Thursday night we went out to eat with our friend Matt before he left town and I had a steak, salad, and sugar snap peas. Nothing beats going out to dinner and not having to cook. Instant leftovers for my lunch the next day. 

Wednesday was chicken fajita ish night. My husbands favorite, I think! I just love the guac! 

 Pork Chops with sautéed mushrooms and onions. Asparagus and strawberries. 

 Shrimp night, with my husbands special made cocktail sauced! Green Beans, and strawberries from our neighbor! 

 My creativeness of the week! Burgers! And they were good! :) 

May 8th is the last day of my 30 day challenge. I'm glad I stuck with it and am proud of myself for not stopping. It was definitely easier than I thought it would be. I'll post next Sunday about my binge eating on the 9th. Haha. Just kidding... maybe... 



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