Some Standardized Testing LOVE!

For the love of testing.... 

As you teachers know when the testing time comes at the end of the year, you clear off your walls, of all things cute and educational, to ensure your students really know their stuff. I couldn't stand for the blank walls to be all I had for the last month of school, so I bought some bright poster board and made some encouraging notes to my kids. 

I kept them up through our testing and through the end of the year. 
Feel free to copy and make your own. :) 

I love this one. I was unsure at first if I could have it up, because it is a form of "letter writing", but I got the a-okay from my curriculum coach, and principal, so I was happy. :) 

I gave out smarties on the first day, along with a little note that also said this. 

A little Seuss-ish..

And that is all.. Hoping all of you have a happy and blessed year in the classroom!


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