Muffin Pan - Use #2

I have decided as of today! I love love love love love love love my muffin pan! She is such an addition to the kitchen ware family. Tonight she assisted in making Baked Salmon Cakes. Another recipe via pinterest that has a conglomeration of items on the ingredients list that I don't have, so I make it my own! Ha, take that, I don't need your egg substitute..for I have eggs! I don't need your fresh ground red pepper, I had Chile Powder and Chives! 

Here she be, my favorite kitchenista!
(I ask that you ignore the running attire and yucky hair. Please... thank you)

Here is the link to the Taste of Home Website (with the original recipe):

Here is my creation...Pre-baked it looks a little nasty, not gunna lie to ya.. 
Combine everything below in a mixing bowl. The black is the original recipe and the beside it in the red are the changes/substitutions I made. 

1 can (14-3/4 ounces) salmon, drained, bones and skin removed - one can of drained salmon, i left the bones and skin, good source of protein
1-1/2 cups soft whole wheat bread crumbs - one sleeve of saltine crackers ground up
1/2 cup finely chopped sweet red pepper - 1 tablespoon of chile powder
1/2 cup egg substitute - 1 egg
3 green onions, thinly sliced - 2 heavy sprinkles of green chives
1/4 cup finely chopped celery - nada, my husband hates it.
1/4 cup minced fresh cilantro - I didn't mince mine, just shook it in out of the seasoning shaker
3 tablespoons fat-free mayonnaise - I did maybe a little more, but close to it. 
1 tablespoon lemon juice - I cut a lemon in half and just squeezed the crap out of it, lots of juicyness
1 garlic clove, minced - none, didn't have it.. 
1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon hot pepper sauce - nope, didn't use this either. 

 After that divide them up into the pan, mine made 10, and bake at 425 degrees for 9 min. Oh and don't forget to PAM your pan before puttin' in the mixture. :) 

Let cool and slide out with a fork. I served mine upside down because they looked a little prettier that way. 
 Eat it. Ya know you want to. We served our meal with black beans (good for the runners legs and the work out mans muscles) and a normandy vegetable mix. 

 Yep...that's some good stuff. 

 His, Mine, and both out lunches tomorrow. Bloody Brilliant! 


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